Thursday, April 2, 2015


Hiya y'all!!!!!

This is just a quick fill in on how i am, what's going on and if anything is new in my life! There will be a lot of these if i don't get any requests. There will be one of these every two weeks if i don't get any requests.

So, I've been feeling quite bad lately. I've been sick around 3 times this year, and i currently am sick, but getting better. My throat hurts and i have to keep a tissue box at my side all the time. Other than that, I'm feeling a-okay!

Yesterday I went to the movies and saw Insurgent, and although I didn't enjoy the book, I enjoyed the movie so much! So I would recommend y'all to read and watch the Divergent series! Also, I have been reading through most of the stories online I read last year, and I'm currently reading It All Started With An Apple again. I would also suggest you go and read that, get a Wattpad account and follow her and vote on her story and check out anything else she has done!

There is something new with me, and y'all might have seen this around, you might have not. But i have a page, called Only You Can BeYoutiful, and I'm quite proud of that! :-)

A brief description of what i do is I just post inspirational and I would write stuff to hopefully make others feel better about themselves. I would look through my 'Inspirational Pics', as I call them, on my phone and laptop and I would chose 1 quote and I would write it down and draw a love heart on them. If y'all want, you can check it out here!

So if you know anyone who could use some cheering up, or if something's wrong, remember I will try my best to help y'all! So talk to someone, message me on Hangouts, comment it below and I'll talk to you there! Just please don't hurt yourself or others, because you are loved and if you hurt yourself, you are also hurting everyone who loves you; friends, family and me.

Remember, if y'all would like to request something, please comment it below, including if i can mention ur name, and i will do my best to get it done!!!

Love y'all!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤

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