Saturday, January 9, 2016

Apps That Should Be Invented

Hiya y'all!!!!!

So, I've been thinking lately, there are some apps that need to be made. I've made a list and stated how they would help us all.


1. Shipping App
 This is something I think everyone needs, just let me explain.
So what you would do is you would enter two, or three, or however many names you want to ship into the search box thingy, and the app will ship these names automatically. It would really save us time and effort when we want to ship our friends with their crushes. ;-)

2. Make-up Hunt App
As some of you may know, there is an app called 'The Hunt'. I've never used it, but I do know a little something about it. You would take a picture of someone's outfit or a cute shirt, or dress, or whatever and then upload it to that app, and people would help you find where you can get that. 
What I think would help would be if we had that sort of thing for make-up. So if, for example, you see a really cute eye make-up look on Pinterest, or anything, then you could copy that image into that app, and people would help you find the type of make-up you would need for that look. 
It would be quite helpful in times when you have a party in a week, and you find a really cute look on somewhere, but you don't know what they used and how, you could just use thagt app!

3. School App
This app would be so helpfull for those of you who are still in school, like me, and find it hard to pick out school supplies you would really need and tips for school in general. 
From how I'm imagining this, it would have many tips about dealing with school and how to look cute for school, what to use for each subject. 
There are soo many ways this could really help us. Because we are the generation on technology, this would really help us with using our phone and electronic devices for educational and school purposes as well as for entertainment.

4. Fangirl App
Just a little something for us fangirls who would like to talk to fellow fangirls. I know they have chats on social medias, but just one app for fangirls would be great! 
Just imagine it, no haters, no negativity, just you and your fandom talking about your fangirliness, whether it be books, music, food, etc.

I didn't want to over-do this post with too much writing, so I'm thinking of making more blog posts focused of one of these apps each. Mostly because I'm just outlining the general of how I'm imagining these apps.

Also, comment which app you think you would enjoy. Or you could tell me what kind of app you would like to have invented.

If y'all would like to request something, please comment it below, including if I can mention you, and I will get it done as soon as possible!!!!!

Love y'all!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤

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